Sunday, December 1, 2019

From the Mailroom to the Boardroom Can It Still Be Done

From the Mailroom to the Boardroom Can It Still Be Done With university costs soaring, many people arelooking at alternativeroutes into the corporate world. Of course, getting a job in the mailroom or as a temp has the potential to be a good start, but its also possible toend up entombed there,constantly overtaken by high-fliers with flashy college degrees. Will you could you be able to start from the very bottom and make it to the top? In an era of credentials, is it even possible to go from the mailroom to the boardroom?Recent evidence suggests a great deal ofupward mobility in the corporate sphere, as shown by this CNBC piece,which profiles 10 top executives who started in themailroom. So, it seems that the corporate ladderdoes indeed extend down into the mailroom.The Inside ManAnd yet, as a mailroom resident and boardroom aspirant, you are not ideally positioned for success. You are well off leaderships radar when it comes to succession planning. You do have one advantage, though youll hear about jobs before they are advertised. Research from CareerBuildfound that 72 percent of employers look at internal resources before publicly posting a job opening. This means that, even if youre in the mailroom, youll likely have a crack to open positions in the company before other, similarly qualified external applicants would.If you can get a foot in the door ata geschftsleben you want to work for, be that in the mailroom or as some kind of contingent worker, you will be able to more quickly access internal job opportunities that may never be advertised to the public. Your application will be looked on a little more favorably simply because you already understand the business culture, are a known candidate, and can start almost immediately.Put in That LegworkBut thisis just the beginning. The world doesnt owe you anything. You may have a shot at promotion opportunities as a mail room clerk, but youneed to make it happen. Youll need to be committed to your job you need to position yourselfas a great servant to the business, always looking for ways to improve things, create efficiencies, show initiative, demonstrate leadership skills, solve problems, be positive, and go the extra mile.Also, youll want to prepare anelevator pitch that outlines your skills and ambitions and you should be ready todeliver your succinctspielto anyone who wants to hear it at any time.You should alwayshave on hand two or threegreat ideas for how the business can be improved. Save those for rare opportunities when you get to meet with senior leaders.Network as much as you can. Attend a lot of company-oriented social events, especially ones at which high-level executives will be in attendance. (Provided youre invited, of course.)Is there a club or something similarthat you can join to rub shoulders with managers on a regular basis? Use thatgroup to hear about new opportunities throug h the grapevine and snag some greatreferrals.The goal of all these steps is to get yourself noticed. You need management to see you as promotion material. Once they do, youll be able to apply for internal opportunities at the company, increasing your chances of taking a step up the corporate ladder.From here, the sky is the limit. Of course, youll need to focus constantly ondeveloping yourself as you climb the ladder. Dont get complacent. Most great leaders believe in continual professional development.One of the best things you can do is find yourself aninternal mentor.Studies show that workers with mentors are promoted faster and earn more than those without. Remember, mentors can also act as references, and having a powerful reference will also increase your chancesof being selected for a higher-level role. An MBA might help you break into the boardroom, but so will networking and a strongperformance.-While the Ivy League route to the top is a proven and well-trodden path, you ca n still make your way up from the mailroom to the boardroom, even in todays world. All you need isa healthy dose of determination and entrepreneurship.

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